When is Thor’s fiscal year end?

Our fiscal year ends on July 31 each year.

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When did Thor go public?

Thor became a publicly traded company in 1984 and was later listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 1986. Learn more about our history.

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How can I contact the Investor Relations representative?

You may contact Mark Trinske, our Vice President of Investor Relations, by e-mail at investors@thorindustries.com.

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Do you have a dividend reinvestment and stock purchase plan?

We do not offer a dividend reinvestment or direct stock purchase plan, however our transfer agent, Computershare may offer a plan. You would need to contact Computershare for information regarding any plans they may offer. You can also purchase shares of Thor through a brokerage firm of your choice. Contact Computershare.

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What is Thor’s ticker symbol?

Thor shares trade on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker “THO”.

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Does Thor hold an earnings conference call with analysts and investors?

Thor does not hold an investor conference call around its earnings release, however our Investor Relations representative is available to answer questions from investors and analysts by telephone or e-mail. Additionally, a detailed Q&A is issued quarterly and available on our website. View our current investor presentation. View our investor Q&A.

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When is Thor’s annual meeting of shareholders?

The annual meeting of shareholders is held in December of each year, on a date announced in our notice of annual meeting and proxy statement.

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When does Thor release its earnings reports?

We announce dates for our quarterly earnings reports approximately one month in advance of their release. See all press releases.

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Does Thor pay a cash dividend?

Payment of a dividend is considered by our Board of Directors at each quarterly Board Meeting. Once approved, the dividend payment information is communicated through a press release and Form 8-K filing. Visit our dividend history page.

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Where is Thor’s Corporate headquarters located?

Our corporate offices are located at 601 East Beardsley Avenue, Elkhart, Indiana 46514.

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Where can I get information on Thor’s products?

You may explore our subsidiary websites to find out more about the RV products that are made by our subsidiaries. Meet the Companies.

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How do I transfer my stock, change my mailing address on my stock certificates or get other stockholder records information?

Contact our transfer agent, Computershare. For questions about transfers, address changes, or other questions regarding your stock certificates, Computershare can be reached at:

Computershare Investor Services, L.L.C
P.O. Box 43078
Providence, RI 02940
(800) 622-6757

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